P.E. and Sports Premium

Sports Vision Statement


At English Martyrs Catholic Primary School, we believe that Physical Education, School Sport and Healthy Active Lifestyles are central to each pupil’s physical development and well-being and can help children's academic attainment. 

We recognise the importance of every child establishing life-long habits and developing physical, mental and social well-being. 

What is PE and Sports Premium Funding?

The funding is provided by the Government to allow schools to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE provision offered.

Ensuring students have sufficient daily exercise has numerous benefits for their physical health and wellbeing, as well as having wider benefits such as improved behaviour and enhancing academic achievement.

The funding must be used to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and Sport. Sports Premium should be used to build capacity within the school and we are working to ensure that improvements made will benefit pupils in future years.

Schools should prioritise PE and sport premium spending to improve in the following 5 key areas:

  • increasing all staff’s confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE and sport
  • increasing engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and sport
  • raising the profile of PE and sport across the school, to support whole school improvement
  • offer a broader and more equal experience of a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils
  • increase participation in competitive sport

Please click here for further and full information on this funding.